Gitama's World

By Gitama

I LOVE BEES...The Bee Whisperer

Here is an image I have done for my p/shop course...(I can't tell you how many layers there is in this image...I lost count) I really don't know if its appropriate to post here but to be just hasn't stopped raining and the camera hasn't moved much in the past few thought I would post one of the images that has been chewing up my time.. im loving it....its nice to back in the saddle.

I was so moved to create this after I had read about  how the bees have been affected by the bushfires and how they perish in high temps...they do not leave a burning hive. Errr now they are drowning in the constant pouring down of rain...jeepers.
I also read that without Bees humans would only manage to survive for 4 years ....I don't know where they get those figures from...but it does drive home the importance of these little guys and the service they do.

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