Carol's ramblings

By Lucari


Chilly start but Lili found the sun indoors in the morning :)

Trip into town first thing before then on to AJ. She was feeling much better today, she had had a reasonable night and was not wheezy. Some admin tasks and then off to the dentist - 2 more teeth out and a visit planned for tomorrow to follow up.

Back home and my best friend arrived and after admiring our new kitchen, we took a trip to a local pub/restaurant for a good catch up. She and her husband are moving home this week, leaving the built up suburbs of the outskirts of London to live near the river in Lincolnshire. She “retired” about 3 years ago and is looking forward to joining a new community, a fresh start. He pr hubby had also taken a break in work but looking to be employed again once settled. I wish them both the best for the move and can’t wait to go and see them :)

My friend left mid afternoon - more packing to do - and I went and joined our daughter at the midwifes. The past two visits have resulted in me taking her to hospital so I thought I’d be there ready - all ok this time. BP a little high but not a concern, Braxton Hicks have started and the head is low ......... eek getting excited now :)


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