Peaceful Picnics

An early start and a difficult one, helping a friend who's very vulnerable and homeless...she needs a safe place to stay and hasn't got one, unfortunately it doesn't look like there will be one any time soon either...we spent time with a social worker but there are no easy or quick solutions. I felt very burdened by it today...the whole experience was very dark. 
Later Juliane cooked lunch for the homeless guys, S came over and helped box it up and take it out. Lovely to see people. 
We popped to Sa Caleta for an hour of beauty and r&r...we all needed it. Danny had spent the morning taking someone to a remote beach so he could scatter the ashes of his partner - so an emotional morning for him too. 
Caña Club in the evening. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being in touch with the Fab 4.
2) Juliane's generosity in cooking for the guys - and cooking something so delicious!
3) The restorative beauty of this beach - time to listen to the waves, think, pray,

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