Misery and fun!

I went to the Specialist Nurse today, again I had 2 nurses to look after me as they were interested to see the stitches that I had. But for me it turned into a horrible time, I was concentrating on breathing as the area is terribly sore and sensitive. The nurses were fantastic, but ouch, I heard myself screeching and felt very nauseous. They decided to send me home, and to try to clean up the wound and massage it too. So I go back on Thursday morning, after taking painkillers it was a relief go home but I now have 2 days to think about going back. Hopefully with the glue and dried up blood coming off it will help. On our way home we drove through Talbot Valley and took this lovely view. Then we had an early Pizza tea we Eithan and Rafe with Mummy. In extras, hubby took a macro of a tiny area, and we had a real shock to see previously unseen tiny stitches! We cannot see these with glasses even!

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