Country File

By marypot

There was a crooked church...

Not really crooked, just a trick of the eye! A lot more snow overnight and it hasn't stopped all day. Thwarted the bin collection, the schools are closed, but apparently the buses are still running.

I walked into the village this morning to get the ingredients for a bit of cooking and baking this afternoon. It makes such a difference living here to up on the farm where we used to get stranded for days on end. I remember the year Ophelia was born, when we had over a month of traipsing up and down the track to the car a quarter mile away if we wanted to get anywhere. Instead it's a short walk to the village centre from here. I was joined on the walk by two pensioner gentlemen who had a conversation reminiscing about the winter of '47. Brilliant.

The church is next to the village co-op (generally known as 'the store'), and I popped there to get a few photos. Its hard to get a good shot as either the tower or the tree looks crooked, but it all adds to the charm eh?

Arwen is three months old today and so is falling into a daily pattern where she takes longer naps and has shorter feeds. It's been lovely to spend time pottering in the kitchen again. I look forward to sampling the results later!
21/365 completed!

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