
By loisbiz

Looking in".....or trying to Look into a Hellebore

For today's MonoMonday theme of 'looking in' ....... thanks to 60plus for taking over hosting in February.  

I seem to be stuck on a subject for my Blip photos lately. So here is more hellebores because they are so difficult to look into the flowers.....so I did the bend down almost to the ground and hold the camera up for a shot. I had no idea what I might get since I was using my cell phone. See colored photo in extra if you have time.

I really wanted to get a good photo of Ellie outside with the bubbles we were blowing, but it was too difficult to blow the bubbles, make sure Ellie and bubbles were in the shot fast enough.......the bubbles were drifting off too quickly. Maybe it will be my Blip tomorrow......I will see if I can get someone else to blow the bubbles. 

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