
By Snowyjones

Horseshoe bay

Sadly I slept through all the kiwi action that occurred at the campsite last night, could here the odd call/whistle as I drifted off but missed the altercation that others had heard.
Also missed some cheeky pest making off with my entire food bag. I know, should have got that situation sorted by now but having had the car I forgot all about it. Followed the discarded packaging trail into the forest and eventually found my coffee untouched so gave a wee nod of thanks for that. That got me the remaining 12km back to town for a much tastier breakfast than I had planned.
Enjoyed some time on the blowy beach with glittery sand, it was like everywhere had been sprinkled with gold dust, expect I will be be finding that for a long time to come. Back on the ferry and got to watch the albatross for a good ten minutes or so, truly magnificent and more than made up for missing the kiwis.

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