Blue skies
Up way too early to go and buy our ski passes, though it turns out the office for passes is closed today.
I had an additional stop since it turns out that I was distracted when packing and forgot to bring my ski trousers. Happily, the resort (La Molina) has clothing hire, so I was able to pick up a pair of capacious troos for a very reasonable price.
Once Mr B found an office person willing to sell us passes, we headed up to the surprisingly (not, given the difficulty of buying passes) empty slopes for some sweeping blues under these fabulous skies. Sadly, just at the end of the morning, I fell on a practically flat nursery slope and, as I am team sweeper since I 'never' fall, there was no-one to get all my limbs back in their correct orientations and help me up. My knee and hip were not happy about the experience.
On to the big bubble into the next resort (Masella), which was on fire this morning but seemed to be fine now... (The lift, not the resort.)
Some rutted reds to lunch (a few more than necessary due to our usual pathfinder not being at the top of his game today) but the restaurant giving us a regular bottle of wine instead of the tiny one we wanted proved sufficient anaesthetic to get me through some blues and back up to the bubble.
Home, bag of snow on my knee and all the painkillers, and the evening has progressed in the usual way: pasta dinner, ludicrous conversations (Superman's psychosomatic reactions to kryptonite and the effects of lead thereon, the coefficient of enlargement of otters, and consequential hypothetical enlargement of beavers and therefore a beaver/caiman death match), and now games, where CarbBoy has demonstrated unexpected knowledge about the Bronx and Aretha Franklin's music. I am opting out, injured. Hoping to ski tomorrow, but probably only a half day as all the work I asked for answers on in January has suddenly arrived back in my in-box, marked urgent. Obviously.
Edit: just been reminded about finding a cave en route and the kids' attempts to climb up to it, and slide/walk (ski boots) back down. Elegance is not a word I would use.
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