Return to the North

By Viking

Quick shot play

Biblical weather going on at the minute! Morning commute to work across the Humber Bridge was hampered by them sitting the bridge to high sided vehicles. (Better than yesterday when was shut completely). Because of lorry driver’s complete lack of rule following the A15 was shut off so that all traffic heading to the bridge had to come off and go round the roundabout to get back in to the Bridge road (unless you were a lorry and had to go back up the A15!) The road I come onto the bridge from feeds into the roundabout after the A15 traffic and so was a firking nightmare. Coming home tonight was fun too but hey ho.
The view from the bedroom was beyond gloomy, quite biblical looking and so added a lightning filter to make it look even more atmospheric.Please note I definitely didn’t capture the lightning - I would cock-a-hoop if I had :-)

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