A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

MM - Looking In

Seemed like a good day for a mono shot, not something I often choose to do.
This is taken ‘looking in’ from our front door, which we don’t really use as through the summer the steps are full of pots of flowers but we do collect the post from the front porch. It’s looking through the hall and into the kitchen.
Chris is making coffee which we always have when we get in from Monday morning singing. Nothing black and white there.
We have started our year’s fund raising today with each singing group through the week wearing red for Valentine’s Day and donating a £1 for doing so. The monies raised will be going to a Skipton charity SELFA - Skipton extended learning for all - supporting vulnerable 4 to 19 year olds in the area.

The weather keeps coming - less violently than yesterday but today’s showers have been very wild and frequently consisting of hail. Heartfelt thoughts to those affected by floods, often the same people who have suffered before more than once over the last few years. They must be most dispirited.

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