Looking in at the wedding

This photo shows the happy occasion of the wedding of my maternal grandparents.
A description of the wedding, which took place on 6 December 1911, appeared in the Oudsthoorn Courant a week later.
Oudsthoorn in South Africa was the centre of the booming ostrich feather industry, and my grandfather was part of it.
“The bride was charmingly gowned in a white Oriental satin dress, made in Magyar style, one shoulder trimmed with beautiful beads, while the other was covered with a rich lace.
A rich ninon just visible through the split tunic was finished off with two frills. The court train, which was only caught from a shoulder, was draped with the same ninon lined with chiffon, while a true lover’s knot was seen towards the middle. A long tulle veil and wreath of orange blossoms was worn with the charming gown, while the bride carried a bouquet of white roses and daisies.
There were two bridesmaids, Miss GK, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss EW, cousin of the bride. They wore the latest ninon over pink and white oriental satin dresses, and hats of the same shade adorned their heads, while they carried bouquets of pink roses. Their pretty rings, gifts of the bridegroom, were greatly admired.
The Misses EE and ES, cousins of the bride, were train-bearers, and looked very dainty in white silk dresses, caught under the arms with silk girdles and finished off with a lover’s knot; a wreath of blossoms covered their heads and a basket of sweet-peas filled their hands.

The bride’s mother was attired in a black silk dress with a toque to match, while Mrs S was gowned is a tasteful mauve dress with a hat to match."

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