Specification Misunderstanding

"What would you like for dinner?" Mrs FP asked.
"Oh! A home made mince round would be lovely" I replied.

An hour later...

"What is that?" I asked.
"The mince round you asked for." Mrs FP replied.

"But is has corners, you can't have corners on a mince round." I said. She rejected my initial suggestion that she should start over. 

"Cut the corners off then." she instructed.

I remonstrated. "That would make it an irregular octagon - you've increased the number of corners to eight, plus you have the four you've just cut off - that's twelve corners! Wait. The corners cut off are now triangles that is an additional eight corners. We've now got twenty corners. This is spiralling out of control. That is why mince rounds should be round!!!"

"How about I make a mince square instead?" she said.

It was delicious. (Even the corners).

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