
By Eilatanfoto

My style of flower...

There are some things I'm good at.....gardening isn't one of them! I try but get distracted by....um...anything shiny really...and things that move....and things that are loud or quiet....you can see a pattern here hey? As such, I was very excited to come across the community sculpture at the arts centre that did not require my stunning gardening skills, but did require my remarkable ability to stick things with glue! Granted I may have stuck my first effort to the table and the second may have ended in tragedy, buy once I got my head around it...well the gardening sky was the limit. For a week the Melbourne Arts Centre has been home to a community sculpture comprising of a giant goose and horse frame covered by flowers made from recycled rubbish...have to say, it was lots of fun and when I went passed today, it's there, alive and well and living???? In main road Melbourne.

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