Tulip time

There are lovely bunches of tulips in the supermarket at this time of year.

Today was very definitely an indoor day - but it was an opportunity to clean the office.  Because we use this room as a drying and ironing room, it gets really dusty.  But it doesn't get the weekly clean that the rest of the house does, because it's too much of a dumping ground for me to expect A, who does my weekly house clean, to include it in her routine.

After we returned from our holiday in The Canaries, I realised it was looking shockingly dirty, and the spiders were running rampant in there.  So yesterday it got a good going over - I even cleaned some of the windows - though I admit I reached my "cleaning saturation" point before finishing all the windows.

But none of that was photogenic, so instead you get a red tulip.

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