Dog walk photos were difficult because of the stormy weather today.
I have a clever bit of kit on demo at the moment. It's intended for use scanning building elevavions, bridge structures, quarries and so on, but here I have scanned my head and "colourised" the resulting point cloud.
The beam is invisible to the eye but I kept then tightly closed anyway. This is a coarse scan and, took about 5 seconds, yet there are still thousands of points. In the appropriate software you could twirl the model around. There is only one set of data taken from one instrument set up. Once you twirl so far round no points have neen registered on the sides in shadow from the instrument so the model looks hollow.
The blue flecks are sections in shadow from the instrument or points that have been skipped because the angle of the beam is too acute to the measured surface, or perhaps I have moved slightly causeing it to be confused.
Ironically, for such a grainy image it is the one I have spent the most time on in post processing.
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