A Day Indoors!
8°C - Feels like 3°C - 39 mph Wind Speed - 57 mph Gusts - Drizzle - Cloudy - Some Sunshine. Definitely a day to stay indoors! I thought I'd catch up on my German and watch some German TV programs. (I get German TV through Astra Satellite.) - I thought the sound on TV would cut out the sound of the gale outside. Sod's Law - when I switched on I got a screen message telling me my LNB Cable had fused, and to restart when it was fixed. Well, I never knew I had an LNB cable, let alone fix it. My first thought was to call the TV engineer tomorrow - fortunately I had a second thought - have a look on YouTube for the answer. HERE it is! Saved a lot of money by fixing it myselfâș - and still watch German TV! My blip - the LNB cable (the silver one) and the tools I used to fix it.
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