Wind-Blown, Mind-Blown

This afternoon, I felt like I might have been inside this fake airplane attached to a pole: a mix of fun and frustration.
We went to the first performance of a new community orchestra, Trillium Baroque, which was fun. The players were enthusiastic, even in their strange venue: a courtroom in the Federal Courthouse. 
From there I tagged along to Eric's dress rehearsal for the Jewish Community Orchestra. Also fun: the upcoming concert features amazing high school musicians and I had a corner all to myself so I could listen and knit and not be bugged by the retirees and their stupid walkers and their need to sit just where they like. Bugs me because I'm going to be one of them any day now, I just know it. Only I won't be able to afford such a nice place with my own walker: the Rose Schnitzer Manor.
But I was mostly bugged and stressed and sad and angry because I got yet another very unwelcome email from one of my older, midwest sisters; a hateful, alarmist, anti-muslim one. Very glad to have siblings with my own mindset right here on the west coast to vent with. Not sure what I'm going to do about the sister since I've asked her so many times to never send me anything religious or political, but she shows signs of tumbling into her own old age difficulties, and she's my dear sister. Dear and demented. Ha! Take that, sister!

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