Welcome to my wonky world :- )
My first attempt at growing parsnips. Please don't titter ... They're better than I expected .......... I think. The soil on my plot is pretty sticky so I was'nt expecting prize winning produce, but I'm thinking if I try to peel these parsnips I'll end up with nothing left to cook. I also lifted my first swede, I got three out of the ground ... squelch, squelch, squelch .. similar result, 1 swede per pasty, so I guess it could have been worse. Leeks, again first attempt. Now they are looking good. I pulled half a dozen. 3 for us, 3 for Mum. I need to leave the rest to grow on. I can't get on the ground to dig anyway, & with tonight's forecast it will be even longer.
2 tons of scalpings were delivered to the allotment site for us to repair the pot holes and level the drive up so some of the allotmentees had volunteered to meet this morning and spread them. I was on the rake, the men on the wheelbarrows. It took us just under an hour to move & spread them. Coffee & donuts our reward. We were due to do it tomorrow but thank goodness it was brought forward a day. Today we had glorious sunshine .. Lola might have to go walkies on her own tomorrow if the weather forecast is accurate.
Earlier, Lola and I had a lovely walk over Chudleigh Knighton heath, it's managed by the Devon Wildlife Trust now. I learnt to horse ride up there, Rosemary who owned the ponies, Dorian & Spree, lived on the farm at the top of the heath. Later when I had my own pony I would ride it to work up on the farm. My weekend/ Summer holiday job was helping Rosemary's mum who did bed & breakfast. Mrs Butler would serve Symington's Maple & Walnut Table Creams to her guests so making those was one of my jobs. Fond memories.
Jobs done up on the allotment, I dropped off some broken plastic planters dumped behind my plot by the previous gardener & a load of plastic sheeting that had perished to the community skip that was in the town car park for the day.Very well organised. I popped in home to see hubby, then returned to Chez Bob n Lola. Toasted sandwiches, can't be difficult can they. Constructing the corned beef & onion sandwiches was the easy bit .......... toasting them. Tricky! Turn the left hand knob to grill, right hand knob to maximum heat ........ nothing. Key icon lit up red ... Great!!!! Page the oracle aka Google .. Bish-Bash-Bosch! What would I do without Google, well I would'nt starve but my menu might be somewhat limited. Another day, another challenge.
Last night I was listening to a documentary about Trojan records , how ska & reggae arrived in UK from Jamaica. Tonight The Jam, & Stereophonics. Love ska & reggae but not a fan of the latter.
I've been playing a Simple Minds cd in the car, it was one of my brothers. Not my taste, so it will off to the charity shop. Listening to the stack of cds I have at home them in the car is a good way of working through them.
Thanks to admirer for hosting
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