
By LifeLines

Hiding Hole

A little hiding hole for treats or fairies?  Or perhaps neither!  Anyway, this hole in the trunk of this felled cherry tree appealed to me, especially with a fringe of fungi growing around its opening.

It was a course day for my anatomy and physiology studies today, so I had an early start.  And, because of the storm forecast for tomorrow, we stayed later than usual to cram in tomorrow's class, so that we don't have to travel in the storm.  Today we worked on muscles and the nervous system, and did a quiz to help us prepare for an exam we have next month.  There is a lot to learn and remember.  It will be a good test for my memory which hasn't be used in this way for some time!

Later I popped to the allotment to lay down some paving slaps to try to stop things taking off in the wind tomorrow.  We had a dog walk and I caught up with my sister on the phone.  The weather was dry, still and at times sunny - the calm before the storm!  

Hoping your day has gone as you wanted it to. Wishing you all well.

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