The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Another day in the Shambles

My new note cards are popular but, as I sell them for less, I need to sell more of them. Sales are unpredictable on Fridays. Still, today wasn't a disaster. Just a bit boring.

Afterwards I came home and ate some gluten free carrot cake, which Steve said was gritty. I unpacked the cards, then I went off to help put the children to bed at another of my jobs. This was not easy.

Now I'm watching Pandemic on Netflix. (I am somewhat obsessed with Wuhan Coronavirus news. It's a pan- global threat. Apparently I might have had swine flu in 2010, before I had pneumonia, but the results came back negative. I was never worried about swine flu: more concerned about the possibility of getting side effects from taking the meds).

Tomorrow is Saturday and I Don't have to work. Can't tell you how good this feels!

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