Seriously. I'm not kidding. It really is.

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow, what happened was that YESTERDAY, before the concert, we met up with Kath and Dave at "Dragons" Chinese restaurant on Tory Street.

But I completely forgot to tell you about that yesterday and so this is yesterday and yes this is yesterday's picture so CHEATING BLIP.

On the other hand, I am sure you will agree, I couldn't not blip this.

So anyway, in Dragons they have a big fish tank and this big bugger inside it. He is HUGE. Like the size of a dinner plate. When they told us that it was a piranha, we laughed, but they were serious. 

Apparently, this fellow is worth $20k and they've had him for years. We didn't ask how he got to this size, but noted that the service was very swift. So I'm just assuming he got the slower waiting staff. 

When I went over to take a picture, Percy Piranha very kindly bared his teeth at me, as you can see. So I resisted the urge to pet him.

But that was yesterday. Today was Waitangi Day so I had the day off. Caro and Feefs took some boxes up to the house in a hired car and then went shopping. 

I excused myself from both activities on the grounds that, "ah feck it". 

I'm sorry, but after 12 years of marriage my justifications have become a bit lacklustre. 

And anyway. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FISH. He could have your leg off. 


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