Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

No Drama Llama

I actually finished this yesterday, but the picture I took of the finished article was a bit crap, so here we are! This is the top secret cross stitch project I've been working on for a couple of weeks, but I'm back-Blipping (it's actually 6th Feb as I write) and the recipient has had it and so I can finally share! I will say I was a smidge disappointed because the colours listed with the pattern I bought turned out to be vastly different to the image the seller was showing (in fact, I actually swapped one colour out completely because I thought it was too similar to another colour), but Sarah likes it, so that's all that matters!

I had 4th off work so I spent some time cleaning, going for a Pokémon hunt, reading comics and recording a podcast. Could've done with sleeping all day, to be honest!

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