The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Time Flies

When I was a kid I would shake my head whenever my mother would say, as she invariably did every 4th of July, "summer's almost over". An 8 year old knew with unshakable certainty that the glory days of July and August would last forever. Limitless days filled, once I'd finished my chores, with fishing and swimming down at the lake. Of course the relativity of a child's sense of time could work against you and it seemed to take forever each winter for the lake to freeze over thick enough so your parents would say it was safe to skate on, and you were certain that Christmas would never come.

My sister and I still share a laugh at the memory of my mother's annual Independence Day pronouncement but, though I hate to admit it, I know that Mom was right. Summer is almost over by the 4th of July, Christmas comes and goes far too quickly, and I wonder how I got quite so old, quite so fast.

....and the adventure continues.

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