Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Popped to the doctor this morning re my blood tests - all good, apparently. But - horror of horrors - the Waiting Room, normally a haven of peace and quiet, had a little transistor radio on!!!! WHY? It was talk radio, which is marginally better than pop music, but every five minutes or so there are shouty ads. I went to voice my complaints at reception, then went to wait in the hallway, not in the Waiting Room. I don’t mind waiting (up to) half an hour after my appointed time (well, I do actually), but I DO mind having to listen to prattle while I wait. I told the doctor too. 

Pretzel came to visit us again, and JR took them to Midmar Paddock, and they're both snoring now. She had two muddy dogs to wash, and Pretzel is not as obliging as Archie. See what happened next (Extra).

I went to my electrical impulse thingie, but as I filled out the extensive form, I mentioned I had a stent, and they went into a slight panic. They rang someone, who told them I had to get a line from my doctor to say that I wouldn’t keel over when doing their exercises. Quite right too, but I wish I’d sorted that out when I was there before. They did do the initial body check and went over all the details. It looks very professional. Of course, there was the obligatory screechy music blasting out, and I eventually asked for it to be turned down, preferably off, as I was the only person there, and I just couldn’t concentrate.

After my stint, I popped round the corner into a wee cafe before walking home via the surgery (4,789 steps).

Photo by JR

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