Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been?
We went up to London to visit the Queen (well, Prince Charles)!
Far too early a start, hideous traffic and delays, but a fabulous day at the Palace full of pomp, kindness, warmth and laughter. We loved our day and put aside the complications of empire and monarchy as we drowned in chandeliers, ceremonial soldiers, ushers, old paintings, musicians playing a baffling mixture of Vivaldi, Coldplay and Disney, and it had all the positivity of a graduation ceremony as the family members beamed at everyone crossing the stage.
The most surreal part was the tourists taking photos of us and waving as we went in and out of the gates, and us sitting eating A’s picnic in the Palace quad as we were suddenly ravenous when all the photos and ceremonials were over.
Home and crashed out a bit and K made dinner for us (A, Mt&H and the kids) as well as all her lot and we drank champagne from P and chatted and laughed til I fell asleep!
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