You Can Always Tell......

..... the weather is cool, when the cats start sleeping on the settee.

An incredibly wet and rather cool day.

Alexandra and I left home at 7am this morning to take her car in for a service.  We took it into Robina, mostly so we could have a good wander around the shopping centre.

Of course, we had no idea how bad the weather was going to be.  But we made it to the garage, without too much trouble.  And then decided to walk to the shopping centre.

We took a brolly, so we didn't get too wet.

We had coffee then a good mooch around.  We got some good bargains and before we knew it the garage was phoning to say the car was ready.

Luckily we missed the heaviest of the rain on the walk back.  But we still got wet shoes and trousers.

Still it was fun, as we haven't had rain like that in a long time!!

The rain has continued throughout the afternoon and is supposed to get worse.

I'm taking my car in for a service tomorrow, so am hoping I'll miss the worst of the weather.

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