POG's Journal


The Hobby Box...

My Day:
Slept well last night… Funny how I refer to my sleep quite a bit, not to sure why.

Had breakfast whilst waiting for the postman as I was hoping the Fitbit strap would arrive, sadly it did not.

Did the bike ride (details below) then back home for lunch. My friend I was supposed to be seeing yesterday afternoon called it off and was going to come today but never came in the end. I think I might change my name from POG to Mr. Popular.

Watched some video about a lady professional cyclist called Cecilie Uttrup Ludwig, she is a young Danish girl, she is so enthusiastic about the sport of cycling and her life, very inspiring.

I’m off to Wales tomorrow to the velodrome, that should keep me out of trouble for the day.
The Bike:
2 hours 10 minutes on the mountain bike today… the sun was out and the first hour was okay but the cold started to get into my bones and I was pleased to get home.
The Photo:
The is a photo of a page from an old cycling book written by a chap called Steve Snowling who I used to know. He was one of the top professional mechanics in the 70/80’s. he used to take the Pi$$ out of me quiet a bit, calling me The Mechanic when he saw me.

The box you see in the photo Steve called a “Hobby Box” which he describes as full of life’s little essentials. It contained Walkman radio and tapes, electric shaver, money, passport, a camera, a map and thermos flask, plus tea, coffee, sugar, milk, a cup and washing gear.

I have been thinking of making something similar for this coaching malarkey I’m doing, but from the list above it’s funny how so much is now available on a smartphone (no not shaving and making a cuppa). 

Any ideas of what to include in a survival kit when away from home for a few days, please remember I won’t be in the bush, most likely a hotel.
More tomorrow.


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