Lyde (Day 1735)

It was a bit more wild for the morning woofer wander today, and with the stronger wind it felt much colder. Pretty much the way February is expected to be.
First on the to-do list after morning wanderings was a trip to the vet with Talisker for a routine blood test to check that the meds he is on for his Cushing's disease are doing their thing properly. He has put on a little bit of weight since his last visit to the vet, and he seems much better in himself so I am sure the meds are working well. 
Back home for a quick coffee with  my beautiful wife, then a trip through to Stromness where I was supposed to be fitting sinks for C&C, but the worktops still haven't arrived so, after discussing progress with the joiner, I headed home again. 
After lunch, HV and I took the woofers to Lyde, where it was pretty windy and cold. The blue skies of yesterday have vanished. 
Back at home we realised that Talisker had lost his collar somewhere in the undergrowth, and when HV zoomed off to work, I headed back to Lyde and had a look for the collar. I was really lucky and found it fairly easily. I returned home to warm up and book in some jobs for tomorrow.

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