
A day catching up on emails and preparations for my talk on Thursday, now the the technology is stable.

When out to the tip/ shops I saw this run of tenements (with no
Bay windows) catching the sun but with the buildings opposite casting a shadow.

Throughout the day I have been following the mounting anticipation at tomorrow’s launch of the Independent Care Review. Years of discussion, debate and challenge from care experienced young people and colleagues over our system of care in Scotland. And how to make love the foundation,

We all look forwards to the recommendations. Some will without doubt question some fundamentals. But if the review is to mean anything these challenges have to be e braced if a difference is to be achieved.

Implementation may be difficult and take time, especially if the law has to be changed. But behaviour and relationships can shift to a new plateau and understanding if the drive and support s there. This will affect everyone. Whether in “the system” or not. It should be about how each member of society relates to others - of all ages and backgrounds.

I await the publication with interest.

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