Wide Variety

There were a wide variety of visitors to the feeders today.

The Downy Woodpecker made two visits that I know of.  She spent a long time at both visits too.

The Brown-headed Cowbirds were out in force and both male and females made several visits to the feeders today.

I saw Red-Winged Blackbirds alone and with the Cowbirds today.

I was real happy to see the House Finch as I haven't seen them for a while. Several couples were at the feeders today.

The Tufted Titmice were having a hard time finding spots at the seed feeders and so spent their time eating at the peanut suet feeder. 

Chipping Sparrows mopped the feeders and were also eating the fallen seed on the ground.  

The Chickadees were frequent visitors but hard to capture as they were very flighty.

The Red-Bellied Woodpecker came to the feeder but I didn't capture her until she was back up in the trees.

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