Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Selectively Yellow from NYC

Another iPhone shot, taken this morning from the window of our room on the 14th floor of the Benjamin. Love the older hotels where you can actually get the window open enough to stick a camera (or iPhone out to get a shot.)

NYC is synonymous with Yellow Cabs - if the City had an official icon, this would surely be it. Mind you, most locals don't take cabs because they are too expensive AND the subway is much more efficient. Still, one has only to look out on any street in Manhattan to see a sea of yellow. And so when I was looking out the window this morning, I thought "hm... wonder what this shot would look like if I stripped all the color except yellow?" So, that is what I did. I used Corel Paintshop Pro and layers. Simple stuff for many, highly complex for me!

We are safely tucked in at the homestead now and I thought of blipping a bird, but this was my pick instead. After all, it's all about life's little moments....and surely a weekend in NYC qualifies!

Now, let's remember folks, tomorrow is National Squirrel Appreciation Day (NSAD) so let's get those cameras ready and get those squirrels headed for center stage!

See you later, folks...


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