Tuesday's painting...

...an abstract...A4...acrylics...a gold pen was also used.

...a bit tired today...

...something attacked Popeye yesterday afternoon  as he was trying to leave the cat flap to go outside. I was making a cup of tea. I didn't see what it was, but Popeye was minus some fur, and tooth hole in his ear and a scratch. 

The cat flap surround broke and cracked and fell apart a bit. Popeye was absolutely terrified. Whatever it was that attacked Popeye was lying in wait and got his head as he was trying to leave.

I had to spend the next few hours calming him and cuddling him. He slept a lot. He wanted to toilet in the night, so I got the harness and lead, and my miners lamp so I would light up the back garden. He dragged me round the garden, sniffing trees and blades of grass.

He wouldn't come to bed with me last night but was determined to guard the cat flap even though it has the wooden chest across it at night.

Today when I went to collect my Amazon parcels, I shut him in my bedroom to keep him safe. He was already asleep in my bed by then and stayed there until I came back.

I came back with a cat tray and cat litter...he has never used that before...I have always had a cat flap so he can use the back garden. 

Tonight as it got dark he wanted to go outside. So harness and lead again, and he dragged me round the entire garden back and front, checking every tree and blade of grass. And the undergrowth. He seemed convinced whatever it was had just been in the front garden.

We came back in, and I blocked the cat flap with the heavy wooden chest again. But he wouldn't leave the kitchen, he was going to guard that cat flap...he seems determined to get his own back on whatever it was...

He is 28 years old this coming May, and if I find out what it was that attacked my poor Popeye as his head came out of the cat flap, that was devious and not a level fighting ground, I will let that animal know it is not welcome...

I set up the cat tray and cat litter and introduced him to it...he sent the whole lot flying and now I am crunching on cat litter as I walk around the kitchen....

I give up...

I have gone to bed to get a rest, he can join me if he wants to.

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