Sea View!

When I said yesterday that we had a lovely, spacious apartment that was absolutely true - it really could not be better. 

However, when I said we had sea views and were minutes to the beach, that was also true, but I doubt anyone would have envisaged this as the sea view or as the way to the beach. I can also imagine many people thinking ‘how awful’. It is certainly not the picturesque, peaceful image that most people think of when the words ‘sea view’ are mentioned. Not to everyone’s taste definitely . . . . but I love it. 

Sitting here on the balcony and watching life going on is fascinating. All morning these guys had been piling what looked like benches onto this truck. The pile got higher and the chat and argument and laughter got louder and passers-by often tried to help. It was great entertainment. Where the benches were coming from or where they were going I have no idea. 

Most of the wires ‘spoiling the view’ are related to the railway, over which one walks to get to the beach. So, cross the road, through the gate, over the railway, through the car park and you are at the most lovely beach and blue sea. It is much nearer than it looks. I like watching people coming and going - these are locals and a few visitors, wandering, going down for a chat with friends. Then, as work finishes and school ends, the car park fills up and people swim and children play. There are then lots of lessons going on in water activities of all kinds. 

It isn’t always as busy as this. Sometimes it is quite quiet. And sometimes it is very noisy indeed - see extra! And note the pile of benches at this stage! 

Not everyone’s idea of a sea view, but I love it. 

Gordon has been at Newlands Cricket Ground in Cape Town today to watch some Cricket or other. A driver came to pick him up this morning, I have no idea when he will be back. 

We are on Stage 2 of Load Shedding, as the electricity system cannot cope with surges - there is even an App so we know when the power is going off - the next for us is 10.00pm - 12.00. Last time we here there was no water!!

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