Feeling better

By Suziep71

I've been a busy boy

Brrr it's cold.

Toddled off to work today to recover a waiting list I first nipped to costa coffee as you need a treat when you're working a weekend, don't you??

It was nice just 3 patients. I like these lists as you aren't being rushed and you can spend quality time with the patients you're looking after.

I had to speak to a consultant about one of his colleagues who had done something wrong. (Not to a patient or myself I hasten to add). It made me smile as this particular consultant bangs on about what I brought up.

When I finished my hubby picked me up to save me walking which was a nice surprise.

As you can see by the picture Jakes is very tired, he's been such a busy boy today.

Guess what he's been doing??????


Good thing that happened today -

My acid that I suffered with during the night went before I started work. Phew coz when it's bad, it's bad :-(

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