Favourite toy

This is, by far, the favourite toy, well, maybe blue tractor is, but the trailer and the hay bales really are the favourites. He was very proud tonight having stacked the seventh bale on the top of the other six. 

The eldest had some homework this evening, which was number related, he did really well and could pick out all the numbers correctly, which is amazing progress.  I always had a suspicion that he knew more than he let on and I think I was right. 

Tears at bedtime from the youngest, who also fell asleep in record time... not that the two are linked at all!

Weird day at work, is all a bit surreal, writing papers with my recommendations for what they should do when I'm gone, I think the coming couple of weeks are going to get very odd. 

On the plus side, removal company are booked, house will be on the market in a couple of days and we're feeling a little more in control. So much so that we had an evening watching TV - we haven't done that in ages! 

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