If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

St Stephen's Kirkby Stephen

We needed some "janitorial supplies" for the Lodge so the main item on today's Agenda was drive out to Kirkby Stephen to visit our supplier.  While we could get it delivered a wander round the show rooms helps to jog the memory and also see new items.

So after getting the business done we headed into the town and visited our favourite café, the Mulberry Bush, for lunch.  The local Cumbria Wildlife Trust support group had an afternoon speaker with the topic of Pine Martens.  So we discovered the venue and then filled in time wandering round the shops and of course a coffee.  We chose the Church Gallery for the drink.  An interesting shop with a DIY drinks system.

The talk was fascinating, the speaker John Martin, that's Martin not Marten, has had a lifelong interest in Martens and decades of experience working with them in the Galloway Forest and other large forests in Scotland.  He also showed us a shot from a trail Cam of the first positive proof in decades of Pine Martens in Cumbria.   They are slowly spreading south!

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