Thank you for all your get well wishes for the smallest wildling. We got back home at dinnertime. He managed to see the ENT earlier who put a scope up both nostrils and down his throat. There is no blockage which is great but his nasal passages are just so tiny . We have to continue putting saline drops and spray in as much as we can throughout the day and also suction his nose too to see if that helps at all. They're hoping that the bigger he gets his breathing will become easier for him.
Thankfully, I'm a mum who films and records everything, so all who saw him were able to hear and see what he is like throughout the night. And they agreed that we were right to be worried. We have just to go back if we need to . We really are lucky to have the nhs, and most of the nurses and peadiatric doctors know us from all the appointments and stays we've had to do over the year's.
Thank you all again. Xx ❤️
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