Heron path.

Bit of a strange day today. I’ve had a ringing in my ear for a while and last week decided I’d better get it checked out by my GP. Appointment made for 1 month away! Anyway, I thought I’d call into the pharmacist and try some decongestant. Pharmacist said I must go straight to the Doctor as it’s a red flag sign. Yikes! Talk about putting the wind up you. Eventually spoke to Dr who advised trying some decongestant and keep my appointment for 3 weeks from now. So, full circle and I’m doing what I intended to do in the first place!

Someone I used to clean for asked me if I could do a spring clean of her house as she’s not been able to find another cleaner as good or reliable as me. As I’ve just laid out for a new expensive lens I thought I’d do it. My oh my! She certainly did rely on me, that’s all I’m going to say.

Then I found myself without a blip so headed off to the other end of the village. This is the path that leads from the village to the church. The church where both my girls were christened, my eldest daughter was married in and where my Mum is laid to rest. Having been a military child I still love the stability of having lived in this one place that I call my home village, the novelty has never worn off. The children would walk on this path, crocodile fashion from the village school to various church services. I also remember fondly giving the horses a paddle in this little stream during a hack. Horses love to splash in water, just like kids!

In between all these varied activities I’ve made a batch of basic tomato sauce - always a good staple standby in the freezer

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