
By IrvingFlashman

Lost Opportunities

I was meant to go home today. I was meant to go for dinner with two of my best friends. But no. I was stuck in Cardiff because the roads were treacherous and I was too afraid to travel them.

A smelly Thomas lay in my bed until the afternoon, wasting hours and dozing away the day.
I can't much remember my day. I know I finished Looking For Alaska and it made me sad.

I desperately wanted to go home to my parents today and do something new and different, but other factors made that impossible.

Thomas and I were going to have dinner together, but he went out with friends instead. Isn't that a surprise?
The girls and I had a delicious takeaway, sat on the sofa and watched all sorts of television and YouTube video clips until 1am.
I tried to read in bed but my eyes were burning.
I am stagnant, stalling and weakening.

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