Whitecaps on Spring Lake

I think changes of all kinds are in the wind which has sprung up with a vengeance today. It must be blowing straight down from Alaska as it is quite cold. 

John and I have decided to make it a point to go for a decently long walk at least once a week. Ozzie used to get us out every day and still does, but for a very much abbreviated walk. It felt strange and a bit sad going to Spring Lake without him this morning but since he won't get in the car we decided we had to go anyway. The plan is to start hiking in the State Park, which we look at from our kitchen window but have never entered because dogs aren't allowed....John is still recovering from his back injury and resulting 'drop foot' so Spring Lake seemed the best place to begin.

The photo opportunities were disappointing. A lot of brush clearing and cutting back of the dreadful Himalayan blackberry bushes has been done,  revealing more open viewing spots of the lake. The trees have been remorselessly cut back but are showing no signs of leafing out yet. The water, however, was a spectacular shade of blue and was being blown into whitecaps and super ripples. Two swans are barely visible on the far shore.

I'm posting this early as it is "Super Sunday" and we are going to Bob's house to watch the Super Bowl. Bob's wife Gail is visiting her family in England, and he tends to be a bit bereft without her so he has invited a few people to watch the game with him.  I should have some interest in the game since the San Francisco 49ers are playing but all I can think of is the fact that it is on Fox News and Sean Hannity will be interviewing Trump before the game, and the number of football players who have died or will die from CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) from being hit in the head so many times....Knowing thatches is likely to be their fate, they play anyway. Did I ever mention that I hate football?

I'm hoping that there will be one or two like minded people around...perhaps even Bob himself....


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