A long time.
This little hostelry is only a couple of villages away but it's been a long time since we visited. So nice to enjoy a relaxed Sunday lunch there with a couple of dear friends.
Now, here's a conversation. Out walking Moss with Mrs DD following said lunch, we entered a field and I was asked the question, 'You won't be offended if I ask you something will you?'
'Are you aware that whenever we are out walking, you tell me when to cross the road every time?' For example, 'Right, cross now' or 'Go on then, before the next car.'
"I feel like a school child being taken out by it's parents.'
We laughed out loud and I apologised and said I was totally unaware I was doing so. Then............
'It's just like when you're with me and I'm driving.'
Now, I'm sure that't not the case!
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