Certificate smike

Another morning when we were still upstairs at 8am - then manic rush to get ready for climbing

Popped round to wish a friend a very happy 40th then climbing.

Munchie and Wom both climbed really really well. Munchie has completed her level one NICAS which she’s very proud of - and rightly so. Her climbing instructor says she has an exceptional talent for it which is pretty awesome. If she can focus her attention she will be even more awesome.

Popped to shops
Busy car parks
No shoes we liked it stock
Drive thru was so slow

Ended up with them both on the sofa with me for over an hour just cuddling.

It’s been a fractious afternoon
I’m grumpy
They are grumpy
Never a good combo

Did early bath - but it was stone cold - so had to run another!

Long week of special days and trips for the tinkers looms

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