Gold Finches

A busy morning moving seedlings off the heated bench to make room for those coming out of the germinating room.The humidity has been too high and some of the seed leaves have looked a little water soaked  so I have been running some heat with a bit of vent and the fans blowing.Some good long spells of sunshine would really help.

A run out on the Guzzi this afternoon just taking in the back lanes around Parbold many of which I had never been down.The potholes, loose gravel and mud make riding UK roads very similar to off road riding.Long travel suspension and knobbly tyres should be standard issue on all new motorcycles sold in the UK.The days of being able to ride a sports bike with confidence here are long gone our roads are now so bad.HS2 is just a bad joke, the money should just be spent on decent roads and more of them.

A lot of rain last night.Bright spells this morning, an overcast afternoon and very mild for the time of year.

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