Seeing red

I watched Juno chase the fox out of the garden this morning, but it was soon back. It's so lovely to have a regular fox visitor again. It looks really healthy, too.

Nutty was back on her perch on the fence at one point and the starlings have returned in force for the fat pellets and mealworms. The goldfinches were in full song, serenading me while I did some tidying of the garden – nothing too drastic, just supporting drooping plants and picking out some herb robert, which grows far too easily absolutely everywhere. I see on that RHS link that its other name is 'death comes quickly'. This plant is a survivor – it's even growing on a pile of stones.

I listened to Neil Pasricha on the latest Love Your Work podcast. I've added a few things to my reading and listening lists as a result. The podcast has given me a few things to think about, especially this

Now I need to stop looking at my screen and read my library book!

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