Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's snow go on the bird table

Don't think I'll get a better blip than this one today and no matter that it's only four o'clock. All our plans have gone awry but we're very happy in our own way with a warm house and love is all around - sometimes you just have to take what fate throws at you and make the most of it. So here's a little poetic tribute to Louis McNeice (see below):

It's snow go on the bird house, it's snow go the robin;
But we don't care, we've loads of grub, and the table's got a topping
We're stuck indoors with sixteen paws, all completely snoring.
But we don't care, we're free as air, and life is never boring

It's snow go the Yogamama and snow go the movies
We've snow like pearls and silvered ice but we haven't any rubies
Some of us are working hard with a dog and bone on every floor
We know how to keep the NHS going if you need a four by four

It's snow go the stress today, it's snow go the walking
But I've got a Nikon and blipfoto - now you're really talking
Six hundred blips like gamblers chips, and all the time I'm chilling
Piling up, may my wealth increase, it's really rather thrilling...

The reference to four by fours is for TSM who is on call this weekend and must have been on the phone forty or fifty times organising four wheel drives to get community nurses out to patients. Media types that like to slag us off for being faceless bureaucrats please take note - when did a tabloid journalist last do anything that useful?

Anyway: not sure if 600 constitutes any sort of blip birthday but I'm happy to celebrate keeping on going in my own way. Stay warm everybody and watch out for the Yeti, apparently it's snowing so often every year now they've decided to move over from the Himalayas ...

Here's the REAL poet - as the man says, you can't hold up the weather ...

It's no go my honey love, it's no go my poppet;
Work your hands from day to day, the winds will blow the profit.
The glass is falling hour by hour, the glass will fall forever,
But if you break the bloody glass you won't hold up the weather.

Louis McNeice (1907-63)

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