So apparently today is a special blip day for me. Ironic that it's the day of the SCBCC (Southern Counties Bearded Collie Club) Championship show. Where my world of the past 50 years meets with my new life. I was there at the forming of this club, and have had many success (and failures) at this show, I've also judged it. Today I went along to meet up with fellow exhibitors and to be a spectator along with the item of my new life - my camera! I'm trying to make photography my new passion, instead of the 'interest' it's always been. Blip is certainly helping with this, making me think of a photograph a day. It's not always easy, but it's pushing me to think. Dogs have always been my passion, and easy to understand, but I'm loving the new challenge of learning photography, even if it's at a snails pace!

The extra is a photo of Mumble, he is a German import down from my breeding ( I bred his Grandmother, who was Top Beardie in the UK,  I'm proud of my achievements with my dogs, but am happy to plod along in other people's  shadows in photography. I think it's the learning curve I  quite enjoy, pity I didn't feel like that at school - I hated school!

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