Last of the Christmas Biccies

Last night at work my throat hurt and I felt really rough. I still feel dodgy today and I'm glad I wasn't at work for lunchtime. 

The throat thing is weird - I've had a sore throat on and off for weeks but it hasn't really turned into anything more until this weekend. Maybe it's just working in the chippy atmosphere that causes it. 

We have been told the end of February as the latest deadline for the shop to change hands. It is Amir's and my deadline too, which is handy. This current situation can't continue  - there can't be  "Just another two or three weeks"! All these  "few weeks" will have added up to six months by the end of February - and we would never have agreed to work non-stop for that long if that had been the initial suggestion. Our health, morale and family lives are suffering. 

Today I have watched more Rugby League, read and relaxed to be reasonably ready for work tonight. Not gone far, hence the Blip of biscuits! I ate a couple too, though they made me cough!

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