Daily Wild

By emyjane

My view #3

For some strange reason the photo I took for 17th January showed up as yesterday 19th, there's an iPhone loophole in blip. So sorry for any confusion & I'm on my phone with the old blip app as my phone is too old for the new app so cannot edit from here, nor star entries!

I came home in fact on the friday (18th) to a white world as of course it had snowed while I was in the hospital, my snow came! Just the wrong sodding time!

I can hardly do a thing. In bed everyday, sleeping on my side, as can hardly move, can't sit either. Plus the after effects of the sleeping injection are still effecting me, I feel lousy, dizzy, dopey, sick, every time I close my eyes it feels like I'm falling. My *wound* is clean, healing nicely, has to be redressed every day. Our friend is a nurse so she's been coming this weekend but tomorrow I'll have to brave sitting upright in the car & go down to the local surgery, it's literally minutes, but those minutes will be agony! I do get up & walk around, teetered I put on loads of layers & my dad took me for a slow walk around the garden & to see Larry, who was there & he sang to me. :)

I really can't believe this has happened to me. Of all things. It's just one thing after another. The nights I've spent weeping into my pillow for my mum, I need her so much, I need her to hold me & say all is going to be ok. My dad of course has been more then wonderful, but it really shows now how there's someone so important missing & it will never be replaced.

Thanks for all your support & well wishes. I'm so upset I've missed days & have no photos for back blips & to miss Larry too. I'm not sure when I'll be back at the helm here, I suppose when I can sit upright again without crying out in pain. I'll continue on my phone for this blip at the moment, to touch base as it were. Xxxx

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