Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Dodgy dog

For some reason my Thursday photo posted to Friday - I can’t be bothered to change it so this is Friday’s photo posted on Thursday! 

It was a normal day until the dog started behaving oddly - pacing, panting, retching, drooling, restless, jumpy, crouching on her knees with her bum in the air and obviously distressed - in fact it was like she’d Googled the symptoms of bloat (which is fatal if not treated quickly)...of course this was precisely as the vet closed for the day. The BT business phone network was down, I couldn’t even ring the emergency vet so I just drove her there. 

After much deliberation they decided it wasn’t bloat but they wanted to keep her overnight to observe her - she is a sensitive soul and doesn’t do well with change so I brought her home with some medication. She spent the evening in this position - not helped by some ******s setting off fireworks at 11pm - and had a restless night but she seems calmer today so fingers crossed. I’m knackered and £150 less wealthy too.....

We marked the end of our membership of the EU by watching Joker. It was suitably dark and depressing. 

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