More snow

I usually stay indoors on a Sunday and today I don't mind that at all as it's cold and yet another very grey day. I looked out of the kitchen window when making coffee and noticed that it had started to snow again so I took the camera upstairs and took a couple of photos at the back of the house where we have a view on the nearby St. Jozef's church. I'd already taken some photos of my cockatiel Mieke and of rabbit Rosie earlier and was tempted to use one of those but eventually decided to enter this shot.

I've been using the macro lens for quite a long while now but today I replaced it by the 18-135 mm lens that came with the camera when I bought it almost 2 years ago. I'd become so used to the macro lens that I'd forgotten how to use the other one though and it took several minutes before I could remember it. I'm not sure yet if I'll keep this lens on the camera now that it's on it or if I'm going to take the macro lens with me again when I go to the sanctuary tomorrow.

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